Psychology A Level

Level: 3

Examination Board: Eduqas
Assessment Overview: 3 exams at the end of 2 years. Each one is 100 marks for 2 hours and 15 minutes.

Course Content

A Level

Paper 1 – Psychology past to present. You will learn the main five approaches in psychology: · Biological approach · Psychodynamic approach · Behaviourist approach · Cognitive approach · Positive approach

Paper 2 – Investigating behaviour. This paper is all around conducting experiments and investigating behaviour. For this paper you will conduct two experiments as a class on topics given by the exam board. Some previous topics have been the impact of age on sleep or does having a pet increase someone’s mental health.

Paper 3 – Implications in the real world. This paper includes three topics. Schizophrenia – You will learn about the symptoms of this disorder, what causes it and methods to modify this behaviour Stress – You will learn about the symptoms of stress, the causes and how to help treat it Criminal behaviours – You will learn about different explanations of criminal behaviour and methods of dealing with offending behaviour.

Why Study ‘Subject Name?
Are you interested in the human mind and behaviour? Are you interested in mental health? Or criminal behaviour? This course is for you if you are naturally curious and would like to know why people behave a certain way. This course is for you if you are interested in the methods that scientists use to investigate behaviour and enjoy analysing data. This course is for you if you are interested in conducting your own investigation on individuals’ behaviour. This course if for you if you have an interest in those around you and how to be a caring person.


Why choose The Deanery?

  • Smaller class sizes – meaning you can be regularly assessed and feedback given
  • Extra revision and support sessions weekly during exam seasons
  • Lots of opportunities for wider reading and learning
  • Extracurricular activities such as ‘crime watch club’ and visiting Universities.


Our Students Say
Deputy Head Girl – Jessica “I had chosen to study psychology at A – Level to help me develop my further understanding with how the human mind works. This helps me understand human behaviour and the mental processes which allow you to understand how we think and act.  One example of a case study we have carried out within the course is Raines research on murders minds compared to the minds of non-murderers to test for any differences within the brain function. I have chosen to develop my further knowledge on psychology by choosing to study it at university giving me multiple career opportunities.”

What could this subject lead to?
An A-level in Psychology will provide you with a huge amount of knowledge on human behaviour and can lead to a wide variety of careers. Such as, Educational Psychologist, Counselling psychologist, Sports Psychologist, Clinical or Developmental psychologist.  The beauty of studying Psychology is that it lends itself very well to any work involving interaction with others. It is a skill for life.