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Useful Links
We’re here to provide you with live opportunities for your dream career. You could work for some of the UK’s biggest and best organisations starting now. Explore our Apprenticeship and Graduate vacancies to find the right one for you. If you are not sure what you want to do, have a look at Careermag for inspiration and explore the site to find out more about all sorts of jobs and careers of the future.
START is a free and comprehensive digital platform. By following Start’s structured and progressive activities, the platform caters for all students helping them to make more informed decisions about future study and career options at the right time and in good time. All students will be allocated a log on and will use Start as part of the school careers programme. In addition, Start can be accessed outside of school by both students and parents. See spate letter with detail of how parents can register with START.
Governments guide to apprenticeships at all levels. Includes information of different levels of apprenticeships, a parent’s guide and also live vacancies.
Apprenticeship opportunities of all levels advertised on this site.
Career Connect is a charity organisation that provides high quality independent careers advice, bridging the gap to learning and employment and better life chances for all young people and adults.
National Careers Service – A government website with 800 Job Profiles. They provide information, advice and guidance to help you make decisions on learning, training and work. Also provide upto date LMI information. Telephone contact if you want personal advice on careers choices.
Use Informed Choices to help you understand which subjects open up different degrees, particularly at Russell Group universities. The Russell Group is made up of the most prestigious and competitive Universities in the UK. Pupils predicted grades 9 to 7 grades at GCSE would find this most relevant. What you study at sixth form or college can affect your options at university and your future career.
Is a website featuring a fun personality quiz which matches your personality and outlook on life against different potential job areas. Lots of video clips on a range of career options from employees explaining what it is really like.
Careersbox – The national online careers film and video library. Real people, real jobs to help young people, students, teachers, career professionals, influencers.
This website  promotes careers in STEM industries (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) subjects. There are ‘skills gaps’ (lots of jobs available) in many job areas where these subjects are essential. If your academic talent and passion is with STEM subjects, let your curiosity explore careers and activities on this website.
Lots of information on the 100s of careers in NHS – both clinical and business related.–a-parents-guide.ashx
A Parent’s guide to on paths to professional careers.
Fact Sheet – A Parent’s Guide to Apprenticeships.
Choose your future – Explore your options, apply to university, student finance and lots more.  
Psychometric tests (also known as Aptitude Tests) are a common part of the apprenticeship & job interview process at many companies across the world. Use the information and resources on this website to help you prepare.

Valuable source of information on apprenticeships including videos from employers and apprentices.
6th Form – Use your personal login to search for subject links to career pathways, further and higher education options.
Search by school  subject or job type and get career ideas, job profiles and watch video   stories from real people doing real jobs.
A guide to post 16 career options for parents and carers.
Parent, Guardian and carer Guide 2019 – everything you need to know to support you child with their higher education.
High quality labour market information (LMI) to inform careers decisions.

The Deanery High School & 6th Form College is not responsible for the content of external Internet sites.

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