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Religious Studies

Aims of the subject

The aims of Religious Education at The Deanery Church of England High School and Sixth Form College are informed by the Statement of Entitlement for Religious Education, which are:

  • to enable students to encounter Christianity as the religion that shaped British culture and heritage and influences the lives of millions of people today.
  • to enable students to learn about other major religions, their impact on culture and politics, art, and history, and on the lives of their adherents.
  • to develop understanding of religious faith as the search for and expression of truth.
  • to contribute to the development of students’ own spiritual/philosophical convictions, exploring and enriching their own faith and beliefs.

The importance of Religious Education

Religious Education provokes challenging questions about the ultimate meaning and purpose of life, beliefs about God, the self and the nature of reality, issues of right and wrong and what it means to be human.

It develops students’ knowledge and understanding of Christianity, other principal religions, other religious traditions, and other worldviews that offer answers to the ultimate questions. It offers opportunities for personal reflection and spiritual development. It enhances students’ awareness and understanding of religions and beliefs, teachings, practices, and forms of expression, as well as the influence and impact of religion on individuals, families, communities, and cultures.

GCSE Examination Board:  Edexcel Pearson 

Assessment: Edexcel/Pearson GCSE Religious Studies B: Area of study 1RB0/1B – Religion and Ethics (Christianity) and 1RB0/2C Religion, Peace and Conflict (Islam).

Year 10

What will I learn? Assessment
Term 1

Christian Beliefs (Christianity)

I will reflect upon the last days of Jesus’ life: The Last Supper, betrayal, arrest, trial, crucifixion, resurrection and ascension of Jesus; the accounts of these within the Bible, including Luke 22-24 and the significance of these events to understanding the person of Jesus Christ.

Muslim Beliefs (Islam)

I will reflect on the Six Beliefs of Islam and consider the characteristics of God and explain why they are important for Muslims. I will link this to formulate arguments for and against ideas of predestination and whether everything in the universe is following a divine plan.

Two knowledge tests to assess fluency of technical vocabulary.

GCSE style questions (section of past paper)

Term 2

Crime and Punishment (Islam)

I will evaluate the four aims of punishment within the UK and make links to issues surrounding justice, punishment, forgiveness and capital punishment.

Living The Christian Life (Christianity)

Two knowledge tests to assess fluency of technical vocabulary.

GCSE style questions (section of past paper)

Term 3

Living The Christian Life (Christianity)

I will study the nature, history and purpose of pilgrimage; divergent Christian teachings about whether pilgrimage is important for Christians today, with specific reference to Catholic and Protestant understandings.

Retrieval (4 units)

Two knowledge tests to assess fluency of technical vocabulary.

GCSE style questions (section of past paper)

Mock Exam


Year 11

What will I learn? Assessment
Term 1

Matters of Life and Death (Christianity)

I will explain the principle of the sanctity of life and link this to issue of abortion and euthanasia including reference to divergent Christian attitudes, non-religious arguments (including Humanist attitude) and ethical theories including utilitarianism and situation ethics.

Marriage and Family (Christianity)

I will consider changing attitudes to marriage and the nature of families including Christian responses to sexual relationships, family in the local parish, family planning, divorce and issues of equality.

Two knowledge tests to assess fluency of technical vocabulary.

GCSE style questions (section of past paper)

Term 2

Living The Muslim Life (Islam)

I will explain the nature, history and purpose of the Ten Obligatory Acts in Shi’a Islam and their basis in the Qur’an including reference to Surah 9:71-73; divergent understandings of these principles within Sunni Islam, including links with the Five Pillars.  In addition, I will look at the origins, meaning and significance of jihad in Islam; divergent understandings of jihad within Islam including the difference between lesser and greater jihad.

Peace and Conflict (Islam)

Mock Exam

Two knowledge tests to assess fluency of technical vocabulary.

GCSE style questions (section of past paper)

Term 3

Peace and Conflict (Islam)

I will explain the nature and importance of peace in Islam along with the role of Muslims in peace-making; the importance of justice, forgiveness and reconciliation and the work of Muslims working for peace today.  In addition, I will explain Muslim responses to the problems conflict causes within society and link to situation ethics; non-religious (including atheist and Humanist) attitudes about the role of religion in the cause of conflict and Muslim responses to them.

Retrieval – GCSE revision (8 units studied during Y10 and Y11).

Two knowledge tests to assess fluency of technical vocabulary.

GCSE style questions (section of past paper)

Extra-Curricular Opportunities

VIP’s (Values in Practice) club is held on Thursday(s) after school 3.10-4.00 pm.  A great opportunity for students to demonstrate the school values in numerous ways.  Examples include visiting the Brick in Wigan, visiting guest speakers, discussion on topical issues, team building games and activities, and a `Street sleep’ (held in school).  Attending VIP’s is a great way to make new friends.

How can you support your child’s progress in RE?

Encourage your child to talk about the topics that they are studying in RE.

All week 1 homework is set via which will enhance your child’s technical vocabulary in RE.  Please encourage them to engage in the various activities, ask your child to teach you keywords and definitions.

All week 2 homework is set via Seneca learning – this is an excellent strategy to enable students to consolidate their knowledge and understanding of all topics studied as part of the GCSE Edexcel/Pearson course of study.

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