GCSE French, Spanish, German
Our Vision: ‘A world outside Wigan’
When you learn a language, it’s for life – you see the world through other people’s eyes. You make your own world a bit bigger, you discover a whole other culture, new films, songs, maybe even new friendships. In words perhaps more familiar to students, you unlock the next level in life, allowing you to enter new dimensions and enjoy the contrast with your own.
Aims of the subject:
We aim to promote a lifelong love of language learning and an openness to other cultures and mindsets. The GCSE course will enable students to manipulate and use the target language effectively, independently and creatively so that they have a solid basis from which to progress to A Level or employment.
GCSE Examination Board: Edexcel
Assessment Overview:
The exam consists of 4 externally examined papers based on the following skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Students will complete the speaking exam in May and the other assessments in May/ June. Each paper is available at Foundation or Higher tier but pupils must sit all papers in one tier, they may not sit a combination of tiers.
Each paper is worth 25% of the final mark.
Year | Topics | Assessment |
10 | · Identity and culture
· Local area, holiday and travel · School |
· Exam in all four skills of listening, speaking, reading, writing
· Regular vocabulary tests · Your child will be issued with an Edexcel textbook to use in class, plus a FREE grammar workbook and vocabulary guide. |
11 | · Future aspirations, study and work
· International and global dimension |
Co-curricular opportunities:
Trips when viable. Lunchtime and afterschool targeted revision sessions.
How you can support your child’s progress
Encourage your child to learn vocabulary thoroughly and regularly. A “little and often” approach is best. When doing written work, make sure your child uses the language covered in class rather than resorting to an online translator, as this can result in inaccuracy. Encourage your child to speak aloud, record themselves on their phone, teach members of the family some of the language and encourage them to speak to you in the language. Make use of the wealth of online language sites available. We recommend:
Quizlet.com / languagesonline.org.uk / YouTube: Easy French/ Easy German / Easy Spanish