Elite Programme
Designed to raise student aspirations and provide opportunities in addition to subject choices.
Based on their GCSE achievements students are invited to participate in the Deanery Sixth Form Elite Programme. The Elite programme is designed to raise aspirations and provide opportunities in addition to your subject choices. The programme will support students who wish to study at a prestigious university or pursue a higher level apprenticeship.
The programme provides opportunities for students to discover suitable courses to pursue post 18, support students during the application and interview process and help develop essential skills to prepare students for degree study.
By participating in the Elite Programme you may be eligible for the following …
HE+ Programme
The Cambridge HE+ Programme is a series of tutorials, experiences and visits delivered by a combination of lecturers from the University of Cambridge as well as teaching staff from a range of consortium schools across the Wigan and Warrington area. Students who participate learn about the admissions process and surviving an Oxbridge interview. Students are invited to participate in a residential trip to the University of Cambridge.
The Extended Project Qualification is equivalent to an AS qualification and carries UCAS points. The qualification requires students to complete an independent research project; this can be on any area of interest to them.
University Visits
There will be visit opportunities throughout the year to discover what studying at university can offer. These will include visiting the UCAS exhibition in Manchester, Open Days & subject specific visits at various universities.
Guest Speakers & Workshops
Representatives from universities and companies offering higher level apprenticeships will visit college. These sessions will develop students’ awareness of a variety of careers and routes into careers.
Leadership opportunities
Students participating in the Elite Programme have the opportunity to develop their teamwork and leadership skills by participating within sixth form and whole school events.
There will be many opportunities throughout the academic year for students to access.