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Governing Body Composition

Gary Speakman – Chairman of Governors

Gary Speakman was appointed Chairman of Governors in September 2015, having served on the Governing Body for 8 years, including chairing the Sixth Form Committee. Gary is a former pupil of the school from 1975 through to leaving the sixth form in 1980. He was also Deputy Chair of Governors at St Peter’s High School in Orrell, until the end of 2013.

Gary has been a main Board Chairman/Executive Director for well over 30 years with wide ranging experience in private equity, private and fully listed companies across equally wide ranging business sectors. Away from business, he is a keen family man and supporter of all things Wigan, including Wigan Athletic and Wigan Warriors. He is also Chair of Wigan Youth Zone, Chair of The Old Courts,  a member of the Wigan Enterprise Board and Chairman of Highfield Cricket Club, also based in Wigan, for whom he also coaches juniors.

Angela Finch – Vice-Chair of Governors ​​​​​​​

Angela Finch was appointed Vice-Chair of Governors in September 2007, having served on the Governing Body for many years. She has been a Deputy Headteacher at The Byrchall High School for several years and is extremely confident in all educational matters, particularly the use of tracking and data. As a parent of children who attended The Deanery, she has a passion which runs through everything she does so that all children can do their very best and achieve in their education.


Type Roles Filled Roles Unfilled Total
Foundation 11 0 11
Headteacher 1 0 1
Local Authority 1 0 1
Staff 1 0 1
Parent 3 0 3
Co-opted 1 0 1



Name of Governor Type of Governor  

Term of Office


Date of Appointment  

Date of Resignation

(if within last 12 months)

Appointing Body
Revd Neil Cook Foundation Ex-Officio 01/02/23 Diocesan Board of Education
Cllr George Davies Local Authority 4 04/04/19 04/04/23 Local Authority
Mr Stuart Entwistle Foundation 4 01/09/23 Diocesan Board of Education
Mrs Angela Finch Foundation 4 01/09/19 Diocesan Board of Education
Mrs Wendy Fry Foundation 4 12/10/19 31/08/23 Diocesan Board of Education
Revd Stan Higginson Foundation 4 01/09/19 Diocesan Board of Education
Mr Matthew Jones Local Authority 4 26/09/23 Local Authority
Mrs Emma Molyneux Parent 4 18/04/22 Parents
Mrs Jane Moore Foundation 4 01/09/17 Diocesan Board of Education
Mr Liam Moore Co-Opted 4 05/12/22 Governing Body
Mrs Janet Pennington Parent 4 18/04/22 Parents
Mr Jeff Rothwell Foundation 4 21/10/16 Diocesan Board of Education
Mrs Elaine Smith Foundation 4 01/09/19 Diocesan Board of Education
Miss Andrea Southworth Foundation 4 01/09/19 Diocesan Board of Education
Mr Andrew Speakman Staff 4 08/02/23 Staff
Mr Gary Speakman Foundation 4 28/09/20 Diocesan Board of Education
Mrs Vicki Stevenson-Hornby Foundation 4 06/04/22 Diocesan Board of Education
Mr Jason Taylor Foundation 4 05/12/22 Governing Body
Mrs Catherine Wingrove Parent 4 19/12/20 Parents
Mr Martin Wood Headteacher For duration of employment as Headteacher Governing Body

Specific Governor Responsibilities

Responsibility Name
Safeguarding/Child Protection Governor Mrs E Smith
SEND Governor Mrs C Wingrove
Link Governor Mrs E Smith
Attendance Governor Miss C Wingrove
Pupil Premium Governors Mrs C Wingrove & Miss A Southworth
Literacy Governors Mrs A Finch & Mrs J Pennington
SIAMS/ Christian Ethos Governors Mrs J Moore & Miss A Southworth
Maths Governor Mrs A Finch

Governing Body Structure

Curriculum Pastoral & Worship Pay Review Resources
Remit: to deal with all matters delegated by the Governing Body regarding the school curriculum. Remit: to deal with all matters delegated by the Governing Body regarding Pastoral Care policies and practice for pupils, students and staff consistent with the Christian Foundation of the school. Remit: to review and approve all teacher salaries (including Senior Leadership Team) annually as required by the School Teachers’ Pay and Condition Document. Remit: to deal with all matters delegated by the Governing Body regarding staffing, finance and premises.
Membership: Membership: Membership: Membership:
Revd Neil Cook Mr Stuart Entwistle Mr Stuart Entwistle Revd Neil Cook
Mrs Angela Finch (Vice-Chair) Rev Stan Higginson (Chair) Mr Liam Moore Mrs Angela Finch (Vice-Chair)
Mrs Emma Molyneux Mrs Emma Molyneux Mrs Elaine Smith Mr Liam Moore
Mrs Jane Moore Mrs Jane Moore Mrs Vicki Stevenson-Hornby (Chair) Mrs Janet Pennington
Mr Liam Moore Mr Liam Moore Mrs Tracy Wogan (Clerk) Mr Jeff Rothwell
Mrs Janet Pennington Mrs Elaine Smith Mr Gary Speakman
Mr Jeff Rothwell (Chair) Miss Andrea Southworth Mr Andy Speakman
Mrs Elaine Smith Mrs Vicki Stevenson-Hornby Mr Jason Taylor (Chair)
Miss Andrea Southworth Miss Catherine Wingrove Mrs Tracy Wogan (Clerk)
Mr Andy Speakman Mrs Tracy Wogan (Clerk) Mr Martin Wood
Miss Catherine Wingrove Mr Martin Wood
Mrs Tracy Wogan (Clerk)
Mr Martin Wood
Ad-Hoc Committees
Remit: Staff Discipline, Complaints, Staff and Student Appeal
Three governors with no prior knowledge are called to form these committees, with the exception of:
Admissions Student Discipline
Rev Stan Higginson (Chair) Mr Stuart Entwistle
Mrs Jane Moore Rev Stan Higginson
Mr Liam Moore Mrs Emma Molyneux
Mrs Elaine Smith Mrs Jane Moore
Mrs Tracy Wogan (Clerk) Mr Liam Moore
Mr Martin Wood Mrs Janet Pennington
Mrs Elaine Smith
Mrs Vicki Stevenson-Hornby
Miss Catherine Wingrove
Mrs Tracy Wogan (Clerk)

Register of Interests

Name Details of pecuniary interest Details of personal interest
Mr S Entwistle
Mrs A Finch Deputy Headteacher at The Byrchall High School / Makerfield Academy Trust / Makerfield Community Trust
Revd S Higginson Non-stipendiary vicar
Mrs E Molyneux
Mrs J Moore Trustee of Wigan Deanery Trust Church Wigan
Mr L Moore  Employed by the Rugby Football League
Mrs J Pennington
Mr J Rothwell
Mrs E Smith  PCC member of St Mark’s Church & Church Wigan
Miss A Southworth
Mr G Speakman Trustee of Wigan Youth Zone & Arts At The Mill
Mrs Stevenson-Hornby
Mr J Taylor Director of JPSE Media and Governor at Marus Bridge/Rowan Learning Trust Family member employed by Marus Bridge Primary School
Miss C Wingrove
Mr M Wood


Governor Meetings Timetable 2023/24

Month Date Meeting
September 26th Full Governors
October 18th Pastoral & Worship
November 7th Pay Review
14th Resources
30th Curriculum
February 7th Pastoral & Worship
27th Curriculum
March 12th Resources
27th Full Governors
April 30th Resources
May 14th Curriculum
June 13th Pastoral & Worship
25th Resources
July 3rd Full Governors

Governor Attendance 2023/24

Full Governors Meeting,  26th September 2023

Present: Revd N Cook, Mr S Entwistle, Mrs A Finch, Revd S Higginson, Mrs E Molyneux, Mrs J Moore, Mr L Moore, Mrs J Pennington, Mr J Rothwell, Miss A Southworth, Mr A Speakman, Mrs V Stevenson-Hornby, Miss C Wingrove, Mr M Wood.
Apologies: Mrs E Molyneux, Mrs E Smith, Mr G Speakman, Mr J Taylor.

Pastoral & Worship, 18th October 2023

Present: Revd S Higginson, Mrs E Molyneux, Mrs J Moore, Mrs E Smith, Miss A Southworth
Apologies: Mr S Entwistle, Mr L Moore, Mrs V Stevenson-Hornby, Miss C Wingrove

Resources, 14th November 2023

Present: Revd N Cook, Mrs A Finch, Mr M Jones, Mr L Moore, Mrs J Pennington, Mr G Speakman, Mr M Wood
Apologies: Mr J Rothwell, Mr A Speakman, Mr J Taylor

Curriculum, 30th November 2023

Present: Mrs A Finch, Mr J Rothwell, Miss C Wingrove, Mr M Wood
Apologies: Mrs E Molyneux, Mrs J Moore, Mr L Moore, Mrs E Smith, Miss A Southworth

Admissions, Tuesday 16th January 2024

Governors Present: Revd S Higginson, Miss A Southworth, Mr M Wood

Pastoral & Worship, Wednesday 7th February 2024

Present: Revd N Cook, Revd S Higginson, Mrs E Molyneux, Mrs J Moore, Miss C Wingrove, Mr M Wood
Apologies: Mr S Entwistle, Mr L Moore, Mrs V Stevenson-Hornby, Miss A Southworth

Curriculum, Tuesday 27th February 2024

Present: Mrs A Finch, Mrs J Moore, Mr L Moore, Mrs J Pennington, Miss A Southworth, Mr A Speakman
Apologies: Mrs E Molyneux, Mr J Rothwell, Miss C Wingrove, Mr M Wood

Resources, Wednesday 13th March 2024

Present: Revd N Cook, Mrs A Finch, Mr M Jones, Mr J Rothwell, Mr G Speakman, Mr J Taylor, Mr M Wood
Apologies: Mr L Moore, Mrs J Pennington, Mr A Speakman

Full Governors, Wednesday 27th March 2024

Present: Mr G Speakman (Chair), Revd N Cook, Mr S Entwistle, Mrs A Finch, Revd S Higginson, Mr M Jones, Mrs J Moore, Mrs J Pennington, Mrs E Smith, Miss A Southworth, Mr A Speakman, Mr M Wood
Apologies: Mrs E Molyneux, Mr L Moore, Mr J Rothwell, Mrs V Stevenson-Hornby, Mr J Taylor, Miss C Wingrove

Resources, Wednesday 1st May 2024

Present: Mrs A Finch, Mr L Moore, Mrs J Pennington, Mr A Speakman, Mr G Speakman, Mr M Wood
Apologies: Revd N Cook, Mr M Jones, Mr J Rothwell

Curriculum, Tuesday 14th May 2024

Present: Mrs A Finch, Mrs E Molyneux, Mrs J Moore, Mr L Moore, Mrs J Pennington, Miss A Southworth, Miss C Wingrove
Apologies: Mr J Rothwell, Mrs E Smith, Mr A Speakman, Mr M Wood

Pastoral & Worship, Thursday 13th June 2024

Present: Mr S Entwistle, Revd S Higginson, Mr L Moore, Mrs J Moore

Apologies: Revd N Cook, Mrs E Molyneux, Miss A Southworth, Mrs V Stevenson-Hornby, Miss C Wingrove, Mr M Wood

Governor Attendance 2022/23

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