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Wellbeing at The Deanery

What is Mental Health?  

We all have mental health, some people may call this ’emotional health’ or ‘wellbeing’ and it is just as important as good physical health. Having good mental health is important in our lives to help us flourish and live life to the full.

Good mental health includes: 

  • making the most of your potential 
  • being able to cope with life 
  • playing a full part in your family, workplace, friendships/relationships and the community.              

Everyone is different and this is what makes us ‘unique’. We have times when we are feeling down or stressed or worried and this is completely ‘normal’ to feel like this. Often these feelings pass just as quickly as they started, and we can bounce back quickly.  

Mental health does not always stay the same and it will change according to situations and different life stages.  

For some people overcoming these feelings may not be that easy, and they may last for a long time and affect functioning in daily life, for example stopping going out for fear of being in public.  

In these situations, it can often help to talk about your feelings and access some additional support. Sometimes it is difficult to know where to look for that support.  

The Wellbeing Team are available in school. If you need to speak to them, please speak to your Head of Year or Senior Progress Lead and a referral can be made to speak to someone 1:1 for a block of 4- 8 sessions. Alternatively, if you prefer a more informal chat, you can use the drop-in sessions; at break-times, lunch-times and after school daily in the Wellbeing room.

“The school vision is powerfully lived out through exceptional support for the wellbeing and mental health of all members of the school community.”

SIAMS, December 2021
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