
Enhancement is anything that is done in addition to chosen subjects.

This can take the form of;

  • Voluntary work
  • Work experience
  • Extra elements to subject studies e.g. lectures, trips, national & international competitions
  • Projects
  • Visits
  • University- linked projects
  • Activities that enhance, or add to, studies
  • Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme
  • Coaching sports teams
  • Helping in the main school
  • Paired Reading in the main school
  • Contribution to the student body

All students have Enhancement time on Wednesday afternoons and must choose one of the following options:

Extended project Qualification (EPQ)- equivalent roughly to one AS. Students conduct a research project to present and formally write-up. This also attains UCAS ‘points’ for University applications.

Work Experience– placements can be arranged by students to gain experience in primary schools, offices, charity shops etc. Sixth Form must be informed of placement details in order to conduct a risk assessment before places can begin. Enhancement time CANNOT be used for paid part-time work.

The Teachers of Tomorrow programme – To maximise the effectiveness of the programme it is essential that the programme interleaves with a weekly placement in an educational setting.  It is designed for students who wish to pursue a career in the educational sector.  Representatives from Edge Hill University will deliver workshops throughout the academic year to develop your skills in readiness for pursuing a career in education.

Sixth Form Enhancement Programme- a cycle of individual units of study to help equip students with relevant skills and prepare for their future.


Why is Enhancement useful?

It is absolutely vital that students gain as many skills and experiences as possible during their time with us. Enhancement will enable growth as a person and it will also ensure that students stand out from the crowd, be this when applying for university, apprenticeships or employment.

Within The Deanery At The Sixth Form, departments will offer opportunities for enhancement but we also encourage students to arrange their own activities so that these fit in with studies and the Sixth Form day.


“They are planted in the house of the Lord; they flourish in the courts of our God”

Psalm 92:13