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KS3 Computing

We aim to help all students grow to become computational thinkers who have the ability to look at problems, break them down into manageable parts and create solutions to them.

We aim to foster kind and resilient students who are digitally literate, equipping them with a strong foundation in their Education for Life.

What will I learn?

Year What Will I Learn? What will I do?
7 Term 1: Digital Literacy & Networks Learn to use the software needed to be a successful Deanery student e.g. OneDrive, Microsoft PowerPoint and Microsoft Word.


Learn about the technologies used in a network and how the Internet works.



Term 2: Scratch Programming & Spreadsheets Design and program a computer game using script blocks.


Learn how to use Microsoft Excel to produce a spreadsheet that uses formulae, charts and is professionally formatted.

Term 3: Binary & Education for a Connected World Learn why Binary is so important in computing and how to represent numbers in Binary.


Learn how to be a responsible online citizen including the exploration of managing information online, online reputation and privacy and security.

8 Term 1: Education for a Connected World & Data Representation


Learn how to be a responsible online citizen including the exploration of self-image and identity, online reputation and online bullying.


Learn how images and text are converted into Binary to be used by computers.


Term 2: Digital Graphics & Python Programming


Learn how to use Photopea to create and edit digital graphics.


Create simple programs using the Python programming language.


Term 3: Binary Addition & App Development Recap the importance of Binary and how numbers are represented in Binary. Learn how to perform calculations using Binary numbers.


Design and create your own app using AppLab.


9 Term 1: Education for a Connected World & Algorithms


Learn how to be a responsible online citizen and explore current online issues e.g. Deep fakes, echo chambers and bots.


Learn how to plan programs using flowcharts and pseudocode. Implement the programs that you have planned using Python.


Term 2: Photoshop &Python Tkinter


Learn how to use Photoshop to create and edit digital graphics.


Build on your Python programming skills to create a set of graphical user interfaces.


Term 3: Animation & Physical Computing Design and produce your own animation using Blender.


Plan and produce your own programming using a micro:bit computer.

Co-Curricular Opportunities

Code Club

Students can practice their coding skills and learn new code skills that go beyond the curriculum e.g. HTML to create their own website.

Partnership with InnovateHer

We have an established partnership with InnovateHer whose philosophy is “to inspire the next generation, giving students access to big brands, female and non-binary industry role models, new skills and career inspiration.” Students will be given an opportunity to hear from guest speakers and access the InnovateHer learning platform.

Trips to HOST at Media City

Key Stage 3 students have the opportunity to attend cyber security workshops at HOST in partnership with GCHQ’s National Cyber Security Centre.

Cyber Explorers

Y8 and Y9 students will complete challenges from the Cyber Explorers programme as their homework activities. This initiative, led by His Majesty’s Government, showcases how the skills being taught in class are linked to real world situations, through an immersive, gamified learning experience. A virtual world where Cyber Explorers uncover how digital, computing and cyber security skills are integral to successful career paths. Join us on a journey helping citizens of Cyber City take their careers to the next level.


Y7 students will complete mini courses from the Inspiring Digital Enterprise Award for their homework activities. This is an international award winning programme that helps you develop digital, enterprise and employability skills for free. Each challenge will link to their Computing curriculum throughout the year and provide students with an opportunity to explore the real-world application of the concepts explored during lessons.


How you can support your child’s progress

Students are set homework activities each half term. These activities can be completed on a computer, tablet or phone. Please encourage your child to complete these activities, you can also sign up to the Cyber Explorers or iDEA websites yourself for free to try out the activities for yourself!

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